Sunday, February 20, 2011


There are some things in life that are much more enjoyable when you're a child than they are when you're older.  Things like playing in the snow and using your imagination to play with your "imaginary friends."  As we grow up, we forget what it's like to experience these moments of bliss.  We forget the joy of simplicity.  In our modern world, our lives are complicated in just about every way they can be.  We worry and fret over the little things, and we leave little time for using our imagination they way we used to.  Sometimes, we need a little break.  We need to schedule ourselves a day for play.  A day to enjoy the simple things in life.  Enjoy the nature.  Walk outside and see how the glorious sun shines radiantly down upon us, feel the warmth of its rays.  Feel the gentle breeze of the wind as it moves past us on its way to a new destination.  Smell the scent of the rain as a cool shower approaches, or smell the lovely mix of sweet flowers blooming in the early spring.  Watch as the little bees move to and fro, pollinating the plants and making their honey.  Fulfilling their niche in our circle of life.  We need to relax, pretend that time is standing still, and just take in everything.  We need to remember what it's like to be a child.  We need to unlock the cage we keep our inner child in and let it out, let it breathe.  We tend to suffocate our inner child with all of our daily worries, forgetting that we need to let everything that bothers us go.  Face our fears, do what we can to fix our problems, and then let it all go.  Children let things go easily.  They fall on the playground, cry hysterically for 5 minutes, then magically move on with their lives.  When a friend makes them mad, they may act out or cry, but once again they move on in a timely fashion.  As we get older, we forget how to move on.  We let things pester us, hide from our problems, and fill our lives with so many things that we never have time to let everything go. 
    Children love to use their imagination.  When things go wrong, they can mentally create something to fix their problem.  That could be an imaginary friend, or a monster to fight, or a game to play that will cheer them up.  As we grow we forget our imagination.  We think "that's a silly idea," or "I'm too mature to play pretend." We make so many excuses for ourselves that we justify the neglect of our imagination.  Almost like using our imagination is a bad thing.  What we really need is to use our imagination again.  Who cares if it makes you look silly?  If it makes you happy, what's the harm in playing pretend every now and then?  Remember when you used to play outside?  You were an explorer, discovering a brand new jungle with new exciting animal species.  Or maybe you were a doctor and you only had an hour to save your friend's life.  Or maybe still there was a secret puzzle that you had to solve in order to find a hidden treasure.  Remember the pure joy pretending brought you?  Why would you not want to do that again?  How long has it been since you've been as happy as you were when you were younger?  Sure there are things in our lives now that make it harder for us to feel our inner child, but that child is still there.  We grow up and move on with our lives, but we haven't lost our ability to imagine.  Is it not ironic that some of the most inspiring stories are stories of young children doing things to make a difference?  You know why that is?  Because children haven't faced that so-called "reality" of "I'm too small to make a difference in the world"  Children believe they can do anything, because when they imagine, they can.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days

     These past few days, I have noticed a trend on Facebook statuses.  We've been out of school, due to the unusually large amounts of snow we recieved, and at first people were happy about it.  There were statuses that said things like "SNOW DAY!!!!!!!"  or "yes!! finally!!  a day to relax!!"  As the day wore on, people became restless.  It's like they couldn't figure out what to do with the extra time they had.  Statuses turned from joyful to "I'm bored."  I'm sorry, but how can one possibly claim to be bored after being so excited for relaxation a couple hours earlier?  Are we so disconnected from our families that we can't stand to be with them, enjoying the time we have together due to circumstance?  Are we so busy in our normal lives that we don't know what it feels like to relax?  How dreadful it must be to be stuck in a house surrounded by people that love you and care for you.  How dreadful it must be to have time to actually interact with such people.  How dare Mother Nature grant your wish of a snow day, cursing you to a full day of "boredom" instead of a day complaining about how much you hate school.  It is a snow day, enjoy it!  Take pictures, create memories.  Marvel in the natural splendor of Mother Earth.  See the beauty, the glistening snow in the bright sunshine.  Time is a gift.  Don't spend it complaining about your blessings.  One day, time will come to an end for all that you care about in life.  You'll wish that you had done more.  You'll regret those days you wasted being "bored."  Enjoy the simplicity in life whenever you get the chance.  For simplicity is a rare occurance.  Don't forget to stop and smell the roses, watch an eagle soar through the bright blue sky.  Feel the rush of the ocean.  Don't blink.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hope Believe Inspire

Alright, I'm new at the whole blogging concept.  I do, however, have some things to say.  Hopefully you will find them at least slightly interesting.

I'm going to start by explaining my blog title: Hope Believe Inspire.  These three words are very powerful individually, but when they are put together, I believe they have the power to change the world.
     Hope, as a noun, is defined as "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best."  If used as a verb, hope means "to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence."  To me, hope can't be described in so few words.  Hope is much bigger than that.  It is that feeling that you can achieve the impossible, that what will come tomorrow will be better than today.  Hope is a reason to move on, to keep trying.  Hope brings courage and strength.  Hope brings people together, it breeds compassion.  Hope is one of those things that society needs for people to have.  It is one of those things that if it goes missing, people are lost.  Hope can help heal wounds.  It is one of my very favorite words, and it is one of the things I want to bring to people.  I want people to hope for the future.  Specifically, I want to bring hope to conservation efforts.  There will be more on that later.  =)
     Believe.  Another of my favorite words, especially when combined with hope.  Believe is sometimes defined as "to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so."  To me, believe is a source of strength.  To believe in something gives one power and drive.  It brings courage just like hope does.  I think that we all must find something we believe in, something to fight for.  I want everyone to find a cause that they believe in, and I want them to act for that cause.  For me, believe is a step up from hope.  You have to have hope that things will change before you can believe you can make a difference.  That is the tricky part when it comes to people.  It is hard to give people enough hope for them to believe.  One day, I will change that.
    Inspire.  This is my favorite word of all.  There are many different definitions for inspire, so I'll just post a couple.  Inspire is "to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence" or "to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc."  I believe that inspiration is what ultimately drives people to their fullest potential.  I think that we should all strive to be inspired.  That life long question "what is the meaning of life?" could be answered as "to act on one's inspirations."  That is what it means to me.  I have found that everything I do from inspiration means so much more than the things I do because I am told to, or because that is what I think I should do.  I think everyone should strive to live life off of inspiration.  Do something that matters, be who you are, and listen to your heart.  The earth beats with the heartbeat of the wild, the unknown.  There is something out there for everyone to be inspired from.  Inspiration can lead to hope and belief in a cause.  It can drive people to do things that they normally wouldn't have done.  Inspiration is almost like listening to one's subconscious mind.  It's like it knows what you need to do, and plays with your senses to try and get your attention.  Once it has your attention, it leads you to heights you never dreamed of climbing to, it helps you soar. 

     I believe in the power of inspiration, and I hope for the future to unlock its potential.